Mindfulness and Relaxation Group

For those looking for an introduction to mindfulness and relaxation in a supportive group environment.

About the program

Mindfulness and Relaxation Group

This peer-led wellbeing group aims to provide education, information, and a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of mindfulness and relaxation in a supportive safe environment. 

The group runs over four weeks with the option to opt in for two extra weeks of relaxation.

There is no cost to attend the program and light refreshments are provided.

Please note, we have a harm minimisation framework so please do not consume drugs or alcohol prior to attending group.

Gain valuable insights and practical skills to improve wellbeing through a combination of interactive sessions, education and self-reflection

Understand how to implement mindfulness and relaxation habits into everyday life

Learn from peers about mindfulness and relaxation techniques and habits in an interactive and supportive safe space

Register Now

Register your interest

To register your interest in attending group, please email:
hello@thinkmh.com.au or call 5117 4357


Canberra Medicare Mental Health Centre, Shop G7 (Ground Floor), 14 Childers Street, Canberra City ACT 2601.

How to find us?

Visit Medicare Mental Health

We take walk-ins, phone calls, and online enquiries and we don’t require a referral, a Medicare Card or a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). If you do have a MHCP we can provide support in finding resources and referrals for your plan.

If you are contacting Medicare Mental Health for the first time, be aware that if you make contact late in the day we may not have enough time to complete your initial assessment but will always find a suitable time to complete the process with you.

Call Us

1800 595 212 

Met with us before? 5117 4357

Visit our City centre

Shop G7 (Ground Floor)
14 Childers Street
(At the corner of Childers and Allsop Street)
Canberra City ACT 2601

Opening Soon: Tuggeranong centre

Tuggeranong centre is coming in 2025


Monday, Wednesday & Friday:


Tuesday & Thursday (extended hours):


Postal address

PO Box 260
Deakin West 2600

Crisis and after hours

For urgent help

Whilst we will support people in distress and help you find the right support, Medicare Mental Health is not a crisis service. If you do present in crisis, our team will help you to connect to an emergency department or appropriate emergency service to get immediate help.

If you are unsafe and need immediate help, please call 000.

After hours support

Access Mental Health 1800 629 354

Lifeline 13 11 14

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

MensLine 1300 789 978

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Safe Haven offers an alternative non-clinical support service, staffed by peer workers for those in distress. Safe Haven is open 5 days a week, 3pm - 10pm Tuesday - Saturday. Call Safe Haven on 1300 00 1907

Request a Call

Provide your details and one of our friendly reception staff will return your call between Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm. If you need to speak to one of our mental health clinicians, we can put your call through, make an appointment or you can come into the centre during our walk-in times.

Funded by

Medicare Mental Health Canberra is part of the nation-wide Medicare Mental Health program and this service is supported by funding from the ACT PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.


Feedback or Suggestions

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